What’s the use of APIs (Application Programming Interface )?
Simply put, it allows one piece of software to make use of the functionality of, or data available to, another. It provides a consistent, programmatic method for accessing a resource; it is simply a structured way of exposing functionality.
What exactly can it do and what are the advantages?
APIs make it easy to efficiently share data and processes. As a business owner you can benefit from it whether it is improving your existing your existing website, creating a marketing dashboard, or just adding automation, efficiency, or new data integration. Often, needs change over time and APIs help to anticipate changes. When working with this technology, data migration is supported better, and the information is reviewed more closely. In short, APIs make service provision more flexible.
What kind of API?
We’re building them using Node.js technology which uses the Google V8 JavaScript engine to compile and execute as native machine code at lightning speeds and a large percentage of the basic modules are written in JavaScript. Node.js contains a built-in library to allow applications to act as a Web server without software such as Apache HTTP Server. At the heart of node architecture, there is non blocking IO. This is crucial for web applications that are IO Bound. Most of the node core is made of the non blocking library to handle filesystem, http, and the other low level networking protocol such as TCP and UDP. Javascript has more advantages. First, JSON is becoming the de facto exchange format on HTTP, and it’s natively handled by Js – which is one of main reasons beyond the JSON takeover of XML. This is both more convenient, and more efficient in today’s APIs development.